No, I am not delivering on 12/26 momma....Just in case you got your hopes up over the title!
Hurray! I passed my GTT and apparently have "good blood work" because it read a "12." I just nodded dumbly like I had a clue what that meant!
I got my antibody shot today. One more during labor and I will be done with that.
Still haven't gained any weight since that first appointment over 4 weeks ago. Thank goodness. I even asked her about it, and she said my weight was fine.
Dr. Z also said that if there were any problems with the U/S I had on Monday, they would have faxed over information on it, but since they had not received anything, all should be well with Bump. Of course, she doesn't call Bump, Bump...but you get the idea.
She actually called me a "model patient."
We then talked about getting a pediatrician, to which I replied, "yeah I know." And gave me some cards. There is a pediatrics group that covers both Pleasanton and Livermore, so we will probably go with that. I just have to call.
And then she asked me about classes, to which I replied...well, the Lamaze class I wanted to take doesn't have any openings until January. We both said, "well that doesn't help!" And then she asked me what I wanted out of childbirth. I said, "besides a child?" I probably lost "model patient" status right then. But she patiently asked if I was going to want an which I nodded emphatically. And she said the breathing thing was fine, but that I should just take the childbirth prep classes, and that would probably be good enough if I wanted a epidural. Works for me. So I signed up today. It's an all day class on a Saturday in November. Jason's gonna love that!
I have to say that this is the fastest doctor's office I have ever been in. Every single time, I walk up, tell them my name, they immediately send me back to pee in a cup, and as I walking out of the bathroom with my dixie cup of urine, they are ushering me into a room. Immediately the nurse (I always have the same one), takes me to get weighed, then brings me back, asks me a few questions, takes my blood pressure, and today gave me the shot. My appointment was at 10am, and by 10:15, Dr. Z was walking in. She asked me a few more questions, made me hop up on the table, listened to the baby (135 bpm) and measured me (27), talked to me about peds and epidurals, and ta-da, I was done. I was in the car at 10:32, and didn't even walk in the office til 10:05....I think that is fairly efficient!
Alrighty...that's it for me. Well, I guess I have to say that Jason and I celebrated last night, because his PRL paper was accepted and will be published in the next journal that comes out. Probably next month. Apparently these PRL's (Physical Review Letters???--please don't shoot me if I am wrong Jay!), are pretty high up on the totem poll for places to have research published. I am very proud of him. First author and all that! So we went and had yummy Italian at a place in downtown Livermore, and then I had yummy cheesecake. I was tempted to try the malt ball gelato, but Jason kinda wrinkled his nose at it, and so I wussed out.
Love to you all!!
Elizabeth and Baby Bump (or Bumpette)