Just a few updates. Jason and I are almost finished with the nursery. Except for a minor (well major) snag with Wal-Mart last weekend, we WOULD have been done, but oh well. The new changing table should come in in a a few weeks, and we will be done. And I have to prime and re-paint Rocky...but other than that...pretty much done. I am ready!
Thanksgiving will be nice with Mike visiting us, and seeing Donna, John, and the girls. I am looking forward to that. And then week after Thanksgiving, Jason and I are having our portrait done at a photographer's studio in downtown Livermore. We will do both a more "conservative" shot for our Christmas cards, and a more "intimate" shot for us. Intimate meaning I will be showing bare belly. The guy seems cool, and wants to work with us on what we want, and I think has good taste. Hopefully they will come out awesome!
And we are planning a Christmas party for the 8th of December. Those of you who want to come up or over, or whatever way, are welcome to come! :):)
Here are some pics of me, taken tonight...at 31 and 1/2 weeks!
Talk to y'all later :)
This is the official request for Clyde to be present in the family Christmas photo.
Not going to happen...I already talked to Jason and he won't let me bring Clyde. Maybe you can take some while you are here, and if they are good, we can use them.
KIM here: YEA!!!! You are starting to really show now!!!! Hahahaha. You look so good pregnant!!! My belly is still twice the size of yours, but my little neice has grown so much!!! You look great and I can't wait to see the portraits, both conservative and intimate! hello clyde!!
Clyde forgot to turn off his headlights! :)
You look great.
The countdown is on...
Can you believe it?? I am just shocked to be under 2 months. Almost 50 days!!! Whoa.
Are you all set? Do you have most of the things you need?
Awww...you look so cute!! It won't be long now!
By the way, what ever happened to the poll for girls' names??? I've been waiting to cast my vote!
Ok...I will work on the girl's name poll this week. Promise! Right now we only have 2 and 1/2, so I have to come up with something for the middle name of the 3rd name. :)
:)Our nursery/office is a disaster.
We are cribless, replacement parts are being sent, but I have no idea when they will arrive. The crib was damaged during shipping. Everything is piled up waiting for the missing furniture. Other than that, I am ready, and excited! 5-9 weeks until baby...
Awww...yuck! That sounds terrible! Hope you get those parts soon...as in, BEFORE the baby.
Right now my crisis is nursing clothes. There are only like a million options. Sigh.
Wow, the things I am learning through this blog experience--nursing clothes?? I never would have thought that would be something to have to plan (it makes sense though). I need to start taking notes! :)
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