First of all, let me assure everyone that I am fine, and the U/S on Monday went fine. Baby Bump was measuring at 35 weeks 3 days, which was exactly where I was at on Monday. She/he weighs approximately 5 lbs 13 oz, according to the U/S calculations, and Dr. Z thinks I will have a baby around 6.5 lbs :)
So, what else is going on? I am definitely craving some odd things right now. Key lime is at the top of the list, along with egg nog milkshakes, and cheesecake bites from Sonic. Damn it! There is no Sonic near us :( And I could really do with a huge glass of Penfold's Cabernet Shiraz. So I have been planning my "big date night" after the baby is born, and what I plan to eat and drink and where. I will spare everyone the diatribe, but needless to say, I am salivating already :)
Bump has no more room in me I swear. You can now see specific parts of Bump poking out of me at odd angles, like something from a horror movie. It still is very odd, and Jason requires that I pull down my shirt when this is going on. He just can't handle it.
And I experienced my first contraction (ever) this morning around 4am. It was an odd experience, and definitely comes in a wave, as described. Lasted about 45 seconds, and then that was it.
You know you are a first time mom when: You think you first contraction is exciting!
So, that's about it for me. 15 more working days (and counting). 18 days til Hannah gets here! 13 days til Jay and I are an aunt and uncle! So many exciting count downs :):)
Oh, and I got the stroller/carseat, and Jason had alot of fun assembling it, and then trying to make the guiness book of world records for fastest folding of the stroller. What a dork! And I got my diaper bag today, and have packed it, along with most of my hospital bag. I feel somewhat ready to go....whenever that may be!
Here are some pics from today--Week 36!!!!! Only 28 days to go....Whoa (think Keanu).
All my love (and Bump's)
Glad to hear that you guys are doing well. :) I have been checking regularly for updates. Took long enough...sheesh
We got our crib parts and have it assembled and ready. Oh joyous day!
Can you believe it is December already? 1-5 weeks until baby...
woah (Keanu)
I'm so excited and can't wait to meet baby Bump! We've got to work on some details to plan my visit (hopefully this summer!) I hope that the countdown isn't making it worse. I see it says 17 more days! I hope that you have baby Bump by then. I remember what a disappointing day it was when my due date came and went and still no baby! I love you so much and think of you often! I wish I could give you a BIG hug. Hang in there! :)
Any updates? Is baby bump gonna make the tax credit deadline? There gonna be a Christmas "present" soon?
Come on, you can't keep us in the dark here :P
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