It all started with Cars, and now has moved to Toy Story, or as my son as dubbed it, "Toy Cereal." (Poor Woody has no name, and is just called "toy cereal.")
Some moms and parents and those without children may call me a bad parent as I actually introduced movies to my child. He did not find them on his own, and actually had no interest in TV or movies, much to my dismay once rainy Friday morning last summer. And then the panic set in. Two upcoming trips, one on the road and over 6 hours, and the other a 6 flight to Virginia (if we were lucky.)
And so this momma willing brought the land of animation to our 1.5 year old. A movie was put on every day, just to expose him to it. I could not see how we would keep him entertained in the car or on a plane otherwise, especially since he never sleeps more than 45 minutes unless in a bed in a dark room.
Although one of my least favorite Pixar movies, Charlie was fascinated with all things that have wheels, and so Cars seemed like a wonderful starting point. And there began the obsession with Mater, McQueen, Sa-we, Doc, 'Mone, The King, Chick (I could keep going, but I will spare you). By the time October rolled around, Cars was requested at least 3-4x a day, though never watched more than once.
--House rule #1: Movies are only watched 1x a day, and no more than 1.5 of TV/movie is watched per day.--
Yes, I admit it. I created a monster. But at least I have rules, AND I stick to them!
However, Jason and I slowly (or not so slowly) grew tired of Lightning and his antics, and despite knowing all the lines, no matter where the movie began, it was time for some new material. Which brings us to Toy Story.
As a side note, I certainly do not want to dismiss Dreamworks who made the Donkey and Cookie movies (in case you don't know, that's Shrek and Shrek 2), as well Horsee movie (i.e. Spirit). These also rank pretty high up on the Charlie Top 10 movie list.
So, since this Momma and Daddy are huge Pixar fans, it was important to expose (thereby forcing Charlie to love) Toy Story (I and II), Monster's Inc., and Bug's Life. And we have success! He loves both Toy Story movies, and will request "Mike Ink" movie, although he tells me he is "scared" the entire time he is watching it.
And how do I know that I have a Toy Story fanatic on my hands? When I opened the computer up yesterday, and he saw on Facebook a picture of Toy Story 3, he climbed into my lap, requesting to see the picture, leading to the trailer, which we watched over and over again yesterday morning, for at least 20 minutes.
I had always wondered what movie would be Charlie's first in the theatre. I think I now know.
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