Hi everyone!
I just wanted to post a quick update that unfortunately, I am still pregnant! I went in for an induction on Thursday the 27th at 8pm, but I was kicked out (well, cancelled) around 9:15pm, because they ran out of beds because their were too many women in active labor. So I went home empty-handed, unless you count my hospital bracelet.
I had an NST today and everything went well, and now I have ANOTHER scheduled induction for next Wednesday at 8pm. I think at that point they cannot cancel this induction because it will be considered medically necessary induction because I will be overdue. We'll see. I can only hope that I will go into labor naturally before then.
I promise everyone will be updated when their is something to update :)
December 30, 2007
December 19, 2007
Ok, I know I have been bad about updating, but after finding out I could not be induced tomorrow as I had thought, I have been a bit bummed. But I feel better now.
Oh a good note, I have not gained any more weight, and the baby's heartbeat sounded good. Also the baby has dropped down as far as she/he will go. And boy can I feel it!!! She/he's been dropped for the past week and a half.
I am trying all kinds of "natural" induction methods to get this little one out of me....I have a feeling this will be a Christmas baby!!
Anyway, here are some updated pics of me from today--at 38 weeks, 5 days!
ep and bump

Oh a good note, I have not gained any more weight, and the baby's heartbeat sounded good. Also the baby has dropped down as far as she/he will go. And boy can I feel it!!! She/he's been dropped for the past week and a half.
I am trying all kinds of "natural" induction methods to get this little one out of me....I have a feeling this will be a Christmas baby!!
Anyway, here are some updated pics of me from today--at 38 weeks, 5 days!
ep and bump
December 2, 2007
Congratulations Kim!!!
November 30, 2007
Hi everyone!
First of all, let me assure everyone that I am fine, and the U/S on Monday went fine. Baby Bump was measuring at 35 weeks 3 days, which was exactly where I was at on Monday. She/he weighs approximately 5 lbs 13 oz, according to the U/S calculations, and Dr. Z thinks I will have a baby around 6.5 lbs :)
So, what else is going on? I am definitely craving some odd things right now. Key lime is at the top of the list, along with egg nog milkshakes, and cheesecake bites from Sonic. Damn it! There is no Sonic near us :( And I could really do with a huge glass of Penfold's Cabernet Shiraz. So I have been planning my "big date night" after the baby is born, and what I plan to eat and drink and where. I will spare everyone the diatribe, but needless to say, I am salivating already :)
Bump has no more room in me I swear. You can now see specific parts of Bump poking out of me at odd angles, like something from a horror movie. It still is very odd, and Jason requires that I pull down my shirt when this is going on. He just can't handle it.
And I experienced my first contraction (ever) this morning around 4am. It was an odd experience, and definitely comes in a wave, as described. Lasted about 45 seconds, and then that was it.
You know you are a first time mom when: You think you first contraction is exciting!
So, that's about it for me. 15 more working days (and counting). 18 days til Hannah gets here! 13 days til Jay and I are an aunt and uncle! So many exciting count downs :):)
Oh, and I got the stroller/carseat, and Jason had alot of fun assembling it, and then trying to make the guiness book of world records for fastest folding of the stroller. What a dork! And I got my diaper bag today, and have packed it, along with most of my hospital bag. I feel somewhat ready to go....whenever that may be!
Here are some pics from today--Week 36!!!!! Only 28 days to go....Whoa (think Keanu).

All my love (and Bump's)
First of all, let me assure everyone that I am fine, and the U/S on Monday went fine. Baby Bump was measuring at 35 weeks 3 days, which was exactly where I was at on Monday. She/he weighs approximately 5 lbs 13 oz, according to the U/S calculations, and Dr. Z thinks I will have a baby around 6.5 lbs :)
So, what else is going on? I am definitely craving some odd things right now. Key lime is at the top of the list, along with egg nog milkshakes, and cheesecake bites from Sonic. Damn it! There is no Sonic near us :( And I could really do with a huge glass of Penfold's Cabernet Shiraz. So I have been planning my "big date night" after the baby is born, and what I plan to eat and drink and where. I will spare everyone the diatribe, but needless to say, I am salivating already :)
Bump has no more room in me I swear. You can now see specific parts of Bump poking out of me at odd angles, like something from a horror movie. It still is very odd, and Jason requires that I pull down my shirt when this is going on. He just can't handle it.
And I experienced my first contraction (ever) this morning around 4am. It was an odd experience, and definitely comes in a wave, as described. Lasted about 45 seconds, and then that was it.
You know you are a first time mom when: You think you first contraction is exciting!
So, that's about it for me. 15 more working days (and counting). 18 days til Hannah gets here! 13 days til Jay and I are an aunt and uncle! So many exciting count downs :):)
Oh, and I got the stroller/carseat, and Jason had alot of fun assembling it, and then trying to make the guiness book of world records for fastest folding of the stroller. What a dork! And I got my diaper bag today, and have packed it, along with most of my hospital bag. I feel somewhat ready to go....whenever that may be!
Here are some pics from today--Week 36!!!!! Only 28 days to go....Whoa (think Keanu).
All my love (and Bump's)
November 20, 2007
Take A Bow Jason
I just want to acknowledge my brilliant husband on his paper that has been published.
Here is the link, if you are interested in checking it out:
Competing Ordered Phases in URu2Si2: Hydrostatic Pressure and Rhenium Substitution
Here is the link, if you are interested in checking it out:
Competing Ordered Phases in URu2Si2: Hydrostatic Pressure and Rhenium Substitution
November 19, 2007
Another U/S
So, I have another U/S coming up next Monday. Doc is actually worried about the fact that I am measuring small (really this time...not just to get me an U/S). So I will have one more next week, that SHE will do, not another lab. It worries me a bit, but I am sure it will be ok. At least I hope so. At least I will get to see the baby again.
Otherwise, she was great about answering all my questions about epidurals and episiotomies, when to go the hospital, and when to call her.
I am so excited to get our stroller and carseat...Jason is checking our mailbox every day :)
And our childbirth class yesterday was very informative and interesting. We learned alot, and gathered many questions to ask the doctor today! The breathing and relaxation techniques were helpful...if only I can get Jason to practice with me!
And now, all my appts until through the 27th of December have been scheduled around my work schedule. Hopefully I can make it through :)
PS--Where are all my votes for the girl name? And remember to make your guess in the baby pool!
Otherwise, she was great about answering all my questions about epidurals and episiotomies, when to go the hospital, and when to call her.
I am so excited to get our stroller and carseat...Jason is checking our mailbox every day :)
And our childbirth class yesterday was very informative and interesting. We learned alot, and gathered many questions to ask the doctor today! The breathing and relaxation techniques were helpful...if only I can get Jason to practice with me!
And now, all my appts until through the 27th of December have been scheduled around my work schedule. Hopefully I can make it through :)
PS--Where are all my votes for the girl name? And remember to make your guess in the baby pool!
November 9, 2007
T Minus 49 days and counting....
Not much new to report. I went to the doc on Wednesday, and have gained a pound. Again, everything is measuring well, heartbeat sounded good, baby's moving around like mad. The doctor gave me a gift certificate for a free 30 minute massage at a wellness center in Pleasanton, because I told her about my pulled muscle in my butt. She thought it could be sciatica, but Jay and I really think I just pulled something with all my walking. So I have only walked 2 times this week, and for about 1/4 of the distance. Hopefully I can work back up to my full 2.5 miles in a couple of weeks.
She also told me that Dr. Z could write me an authorization for a breast pump so hopefully the insurance will cover part of it. That would be nice. Besides a swing, the diaper bag, and the stroller/carseat, I think we are pretty much set. Jason gets to build the changing table this weekend. I know he is SO excited :)
I will post completed pictures of the nursery after that. But here are some pictures of me today, at 33 weeks. Yikes!
Been trying to figure out the disability paperwork, and trying to find childcare, which is a hard. There are hardly any places that take infants that I can find. :-(
And the girl name poll is up (for Allison!!)....Enjoy!

She also told me that Dr. Z could write me an authorization for a breast pump so hopefully the insurance will cover part of it. That would be nice. Besides a swing, the diaper bag, and the stroller/carseat, I think we are pretty much set. Jason gets to build the changing table this weekend. I know he is SO excited :)
I will post completed pictures of the nursery after that. But here are some pictures of me today, at 33 weeks. Yikes!
Been trying to figure out the disability paperwork, and trying to find childcare, which is a hard. There are hardly any places that take infants that I can find. :-(
And the girl name poll is up (for Allison!!)....Enjoy!
October 31, 2007
Next to the last box!
Can you believe it??!?! I can't. Less than 2 months to go....Wow!
Just a few updates. Jason and I are almost finished with the nursery. Except for a minor (well major) snag with Wal-Mart last weekend, we WOULD have been done, but oh well. The new changing table should come in in a a few weeks, and we will be done. And I have to prime and re-paint Rocky...but other than that...pretty much done. I am ready!
Thanksgiving will be nice with Mike visiting us, and seeing Donna, John, and the girls. I am looking forward to that. And then week after Thanksgiving, Jason and I are having our portrait done at a photographer's studio in downtown Livermore. We will do both a more "conservative" shot for our Christmas cards, and a more "intimate" shot for us. Intimate meaning I will be showing bare belly. The guy seems cool, and wants to work with us on what we want, and I think has good taste. Hopefully they will come out awesome!
And we are planning a Christmas party for the 8th of December. Those of you who want to come up or over, or whatever way, are welcome to come! :):)
Here are some pics of me, taken tonight...at 31 and 1/2 weeks!

Talk to y'all later :)
Just a few updates. Jason and I are almost finished with the nursery. Except for a minor (well major) snag with Wal-Mart last weekend, we WOULD have been done, but oh well. The new changing table should come in in a a few weeks, and we will be done. And I have to prime and re-paint Rocky...but other than that...pretty much done. I am ready!
Thanksgiving will be nice with Mike visiting us, and seeing Donna, John, and the girls. I am looking forward to that. And then week after Thanksgiving, Jason and I are having our portrait done at a photographer's studio in downtown Livermore. We will do both a more "conservative" shot for our Christmas cards, and a more "intimate" shot for us. Intimate meaning I will be showing bare belly. The guy seems cool, and wants to work with us on what we want, and I think has good taste. Hopefully they will come out awesome!
And we are planning a Christmas party for the 8th of December. Those of you who want to come up or over, or whatever way, are welcome to come! :):)
Here are some pics of me, taken tonight...at 31 and 1/2 weeks!
Talk to y'all later :)
October 24, 2007
Update on Doc Appt
So I went to the doctor today, and amazingly, I still have only gained a pound. I think she is now frustrated with me because I haven't gained weight. I told her I took her advice/recommendations to heart at my first appointment. She asked me (in the tone of voice that insinuated that I had been dieting) "What have you been doing?" I just told her that Jay and I walk 3 miles about 4 times a week, and just eating better. I DID NOT tell her about the bag of Dark Chocolate Peanut M&Ms I purchased yesterday :)
Heartbeat was great, and everything's well. I told her I was planning on working through the week before Christmas, and she thought that was great. And I start going 1x a week on Nov 28th. Only 2 more appts, then weekly!!! AHH! I can't believe it.
In trying to figure out this whole post-maternity wear thing, I have had a small mental breakdown. It really is too confusing. Especially for "well-endowed" women. I simply cannot go with a just a nursing camisole, as that is not enough support, but I don't want to have to bear my tummy to the world every time I nurse. I have opted for nursing camisoles with nursing bras, and multiple sweatsuits with hoodies to wear in the weeks after birth. I have several J-Lo outfits (those Velour sweats), and have some camis and bras coming in. But really, it is so confusing!!!
Oh, and I picked out Bump's "going home" outfit today, but when I got home realized it looks like a dress. Damn it all!! So, if Bump is a girl, she is all set, but I am going to have to get the onesie that is similar if Bump ends up being a boy. Darn it...I was hoping for something neutral...but this was just too cute.

Heartbeat was great, and everything's well. I told her I was planning on working through the week before Christmas, and she thought that was great. And I start going 1x a week on Nov 28th. Only 2 more appts, then weekly!!! AHH! I can't believe it.
In trying to figure out this whole post-maternity wear thing, I have had a small mental breakdown. It really is too confusing. Especially for "well-endowed" women. I simply cannot go with a just a nursing camisole, as that is not enough support, but I don't want to have to bear my tummy to the world every time I nurse. I have opted for nursing camisoles with nursing bras, and multiple sweatsuits with hoodies to wear in the weeks after birth. I have several J-Lo outfits (those Velour sweats), and have some camis and bras coming in. But really, it is so confusing!!!
Oh, and I picked out Bump's "going home" outfit today, but when I got home realized it looks like a dress. Damn it all!! So, if Bump is a girl, she is all set, but I am going to have to get the onesie that is similar if Bump ends up being a boy. Darn it...I was hoping for something neutral...but this was just too cute.
Girl Outfit

Boy Outfit
Take care everyone!
ep and Bump
ep and Bump
October 22, 2007
October 10, 2007
Good news!
No, I am not delivering on 12/26 momma....Just in case you got your hopes up over the title!
Hurray! I passed my GTT and apparently have "good blood work" because it read a "12." I just nodded dumbly like I had a clue what that meant!
I got my antibody shot today. One more during labor and I will be done with that.
Still haven't gained any weight since that first appointment over 4 weeks ago. Thank goodness. I even asked her about it, and she said my weight was fine.
Dr. Z also said that if there were any problems with the U/S I had on Monday, they would have faxed over information on it, but since they had not received anything, all should be well with Bump. Of course, she doesn't call Bump, Bump...but you get the idea.
She actually called me a "model patient."
We then talked about getting a pediatrician, to which I replied, "yeah I know." And gave me some cards. There is a pediatrics group that covers both Pleasanton and Livermore, so we will probably go with that. I just have to call.
And then she asked me about classes, to which I replied...well, the Lamaze class I wanted to take doesn't have any openings until January. We both said, "well that doesn't help!" And then she asked me what I wanted out of childbirth. I said, "besides a child?" I probably lost "model patient" status right then. But she patiently asked if I was going to want an epidural...to which I nodded emphatically. And she said the breathing thing was fine, but that I should just take the childbirth prep classes, and that would probably be good enough if I wanted a epidural. Works for me. So I signed up today. It's an all day class on a Saturday in November. Jason's gonna love that!
I have to say that this is the fastest doctor's office I have ever been in. Every single time, I walk up, tell them my name, they immediately send me back to pee in a cup, and as I walking out of the bathroom with my dixie cup of urine, they are ushering me into a room. Immediately the nurse (I always have the same one), takes me to get weighed, then brings me back, asks me a few questions, takes my blood pressure, and today gave me the shot. My appointment was at 10am, and by 10:15, Dr. Z was walking in. She asked me a few more questions, made me hop up on the table, listened to the baby (135 bpm) and measured me (27), talked to me about peds and epidurals, and ta-da, I was done. I was in the car at 10:32, and didn't even walk in the office til 10:05....I think that is fairly efficient!
Alrighty...that's it for me. Well, I guess I have to say that Jason and I celebrated last night, because his PRL paper was accepted and will be published in the next journal that comes out. Probably next month. Apparently these PRL's (Physical Review Letters???--please don't shoot me if I am wrong Jay!), are pretty high up on the totem poll for places to have research published. I am very proud of him. First author and all that! So we went and had yummy Italian at a place in downtown Livermore, and then I had yummy cheesecake. I was tempted to try the malt ball gelato, but Jason kinda wrinkled his nose at it, and so I wussed out.
Love to you all!!
Elizabeth and Baby Bump (or Bumpette)
Hurray! I passed my GTT and apparently have "good blood work" because it read a "12." I just nodded dumbly like I had a clue what that meant!
I got my antibody shot today. One more during labor and I will be done with that.
Still haven't gained any weight since that first appointment over 4 weeks ago. Thank goodness. I even asked her about it, and she said my weight was fine.
Dr. Z also said that if there were any problems with the U/S I had on Monday, they would have faxed over information on it, but since they had not received anything, all should be well with Bump. Of course, she doesn't call Bump, Bump...but you get the idea.
She actually called me a "model patient."
We then talked about getting a pediatrician, to which I replied, "yeah I know." And gave me some cards. There is a pediatrics group that covers both Pleasanton and Livermore, so we will probably go with that. I just have to call.
And then she asked me about classes, to which I replied...well, the Lamaze class I wanted to take doesn't have any openings until January. We both said, "well that doesn't help!" And then she asked me what I wanted out of childbirth. I said, "besides a child?" I probably lost "model patient" status right then. But she patiently asked if I was going to want an epidural...to which I nodded emphatically. And she said the breathing thing was fine, but that I should just take the childbirth prep classes, and that would probably be good enough if I wanted a epidural. Works for me. So I signed up today. It's an all day class on a Saturday in November. Jason's gonna love that!
I have to say that this is the fastest doctor's office I have ever been in. Every single time, I walk up, tell them my name, they immediately send me back to pee in a cup, and as I walking out of the bathroom with my dixie cup of urine, they are ushering me into a room. Immediately the nurse (I always have the same one), takes me to get weighed, then brings me back, asks me a few questions, takes my blood pressure, and today gave me the shot. My appointment was at 10am, and by 10:15, Dr. Z was walking in. She asked me a few more questions, made me hop up on the table, listened to the baby (135 bpm) and measured me (27), talked to me about peds and epidurals, and ta-da, I was done. I was in the car at 10:32, and didn't even walk in the office til 10:05....I think that is fairly efficient!
Alrighty...that's it for me. Well, I guess I have to say that Jason and I celebrated last night, because his PRL paper was accepted and will be published in the next journal that comes out. Probably next month. Apparently these PRL's (Physical Review Letters???--please don't shoot me if I am wrong Jay!), are pretty high up on the totem poll for places to have research published. I am very proud of him. First author and all that! So we went and had yummy Italian at a place in downtown Livermore, and then I had yummy cheesecake. I was tempted to try the malt ball gelato, but Jason kinda wrinkled his nose at it, and so I wussed out.
Love to you all!!
Elizabeth and Baby Bump (or Bumpette)
October 9, 2007
U/S pictures...
October 7, 2007
More pictures...
So here are some updated pictures of the nursery....The window looks better now that I have 2 valences up instead of just the one.
And I was lucky enough to get a glider off Craig's List on Saturday...The family was very nice, and the husband was wearing a Beaufort, SC baseball hat! How funny! Apparently they "vacation" every year in Isle of Palms...Nice.
Here is the wardrobe that Jason spent quite a while assembling...but it looks great against the wall, and with books on it, it looks so cute! And luckily, I found the changing table I want at Walmart.com, and they will ship it directly to the store for free!, so I don't have to pay any $$ for shipping (which for those big items, is like 1/2 the cost of the piece of furniture!) I am really excited about that!
The last 2 pictures are of hangings that I bought (good night one), and Donna bought for me (second star...)
Oh, and one last picture...a belly shot (I am posting this, then covering my face!)
The baby is kicking/moving like mad....It actually is starting to wake me up at night. How strange?! But other than that, I feel good! We get another U/S tomorrow at 3:30pm, so hopefully we will have more pictures to post later in the week of Baby Bump!
Love to you all
Elizabeth and Bump
October 3, 2007
Transition Day...Is that what Wednesday's are called now?
That was a very underwhelming poll...I have to say. Apparently out of the 7 people who voted, everyone wanted something different! And Jason and I didn't even vote!!!
Oh, and I never posted this, but my last appt (last week) with my OB was MUCH better. She "made up" a reason for me to have another U/S because she couldn't really read the results from the OBGYN in Carlsbad. She said I was "measuring smaller than my dates." Which I was. I think I was supposed to be a 26 and I am 24. Whatever that means. But she said not to worry...it is typical for 1st time moms to be "tight" and therefore to measure smaller. Need I repeat, whatever that means. So next Monday, Jason and I will be heading to San Ramon for another ultrasound.
I took my glucose tolerance test on Monday and it went ok. Stuff tasted funny, but not too bad, and the blood work was super easy. I thought I got off relatively easy compared to other women I have known. Hopefully everything will come back fine, and that will be the end of that.
AND, I did find out that Dr. Z (I cannot really call her Dr. Evil anymore), DOES deliver on the weekend, just not every single one. She and the other doctor switch off. So she is delivering New Year's weekend, but not Christmas weekend. That made me feel much better!!
Well, I think that is about for me on this end...Hope everyone enjoyed the pictures. A few more pieces arrive this week, and hopefully by the end of October, everything will be done. You know me...I hate leaving things unfinished. Even if the baby isn't due for quite awhile! :)
Take care...
ep and Bump
Oh, and I never posted this, but my last appt (last week) with my OB was MUCH better. She "made up" a reason for me to have another U/S because she couldn't really read the results from the OBGYN in Carlsbad. She said I was "measuring smaller than my dates." Which I was. I think I was supposed to be a 26 and I am 24. Whatever that means. But she said not to worry...it is typical for 1st time moms to be "tight" and therefore to measure smaller. Need I repeat, whatever that means. So next Monday, Jason and I will be heading to San Ramon for another ultrasound.
I took my glucose tolerance test on Monday and it went ok. Stuff tasted funny, but not too bad, and the blood work was super easy. I thought I got off relatively easy compared to other women I have known. Hopefully everything will come back fine, and that will be the end of that.
AND, I did find out that Dr. Z (I cannot really call her Dr. Evil anymore), DOES deliver on the weekend, just not every single one. She and the other doctor switch off. So she is delivering New Year's weekend, but not Christmas weekend. That made me feel much better!!
Well, I think that is about for me on this end...Hope everyone enjoyed the pictures. A few more pieces arrive this week, and hopefully by the end of October, everything will be done. You know me...I hate leaving things unfinished. Even if the baby isn't due for quite awhile! :)
Take care...
ep and Bump
September 30, 2007
Nursery Pictures.....
I don't know why, but I have been having a very difficult time loading the pictures of our house and the baby's room onto snapfish. I will keep trying and when I can get it to work, I will send them out.
In the mean time.....here is a preview of some of them!! Can you believe I am at less than 90 days before Baby Bump is expected to arrive?!?!?! It's amazing!
But, here is what you all have been waiting for...isn't it?? :):)

In the mean time.....here is a preview of some of them!! Can you believe I am at less than 90 days before Baby Bump is expected to arrive?!?!?! It's amazing!
But, here is what you all have been waiting for...isn't it?? :):)
September 25, 2007
September 24, 2007
Only a week left to vote!
Ok, I know this not a democracy, as I, the queen, can veto the final election decisions, BUT, that being said, I know there have to be more than 6 opinions on a boy's name!
Perhaps you don't like the names, or like more than one, or all of you just think the baby is a girl, so what is the purpose of picking a boy name. Excellent point! However, although I do call Baby Bump a "she," that doesn't really mean she is :)
And don't worry....girl names are to come in October....Promise!
PS--3 walls nearly completed in the baby's room :) Hopefully we will get a battery or charger soon, and I can take and post more pictures!
Perhaps you don't like the names, or like more than one, or all of you just think the baby is a girl, so what is the purpose of picking a boy name. Excellent point! However, although I do call Baby Bump a "she," that doesn't really mean she is :)
And don't worry....girl names are to come in October....Promise!
PS--3 walls nearly completed in the baby's room :) Hopefully we will get a battery or charger soon, and I can take and post more pictures!
September 22, 2007
What a good day!
Today was such a super day! Jason and I spent the morning doing housework and enjoying coffee (haven't had good coffee in quite awhile!).
Then we decided to go out and run some errands. We were able to get a bunch of things at Target for the house for a good price, and then we bought the paint for the baby's room.
But before we did all that, we stopped by the mailbox, and I received my notice from the BCBA that .......................................................................................................... I PASSED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Whoot! I feel so awesome! I was really worried there for awhile, but luckily, it is all done, and you are looking at a proud Board Certified Behavior Analyst!
So after we got all the painting stuff, we decided to come home and start painting. So we did opposite walls...the larger walls with the light blue and dark blue. Tomorrow will be the second coat. We did have to go out and get another quart of each of them because I wasn't very smart when thinking about how much we would need to cover a wall. Oh well. Pregnant brain can't do everything! So the walls look really good, and I will post pictures of them tomorrow.
Then after we showered, I happened to check my email, and hurrah, the crib I wanted was available, and I was able to order it and the wardrobe and use a bunch of gift cards I had received.
I then took all the tags off the baby clothes, and blankets, and toys, etc., that I have received and organized them. I hung a bunch of the clothes up on their tiny little hangers :) I asked Jason if it was bad luck to take tags off of things with the baby not born yet. He said that was was one of the stupidest things I had asked. I don't know. But it is done, and I am happy that the little clothes are all hanging up, and organized by size and type of outfit. (Hey, I may be pregnant, but I am still obsessive-compulsive or anal-retentive, or maybe both!)
So, although, it may seem like a kinda boring, lackluster day for most, it was really fun for me. And exciting. Our house is finally not looking it threw up on itself, we have started on the baby's room, I ordered the crib, and I passed my test.
It was an awesome, and thoroughly wonderful day!
Oh, and here are some pictures from my shower!

Me and Rubygail
Then we decided to go out and run some errands. We were able to get a bunch of things at Target for the house for a good price, and then we bought the paint for the baby's room.
But before we did all that, we stopped by the mailbox, and I received my notice from the BCBA that .......................................................................................................... I PASSED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Whoot! I feel so awesome! I was really worried there for awhile, but luckily, it is all done, and you are looking at a proud Board Certified Behavior Analyst!
So after we got all the painting stuff, we decided to come home and start painting. So we did opposite walls...the larger walls with the light blue and dark blue. Tomorrow will be the second coat. We did have to go out and get another quart of each of them because I wasn't very smart when thinking about how much we would need to cover a wall. Oh well. Pregnant brain can't do everything! So the walls look really good, and I will post pictures of them tomorrow.
Then after we showered, I happened to check my email, and hurrah, the crib I wanted was available, and I was able to order it and the wardrobe and use a bunch of gift cards I had received.
I then took all the tags off the baby clothes, and blankets, and toys, etc., that I have received and organized them. I hung a bunch of the clothes up on their tiny little hangers :) I asked Jason if it was bad luck to take tags off of things with the baby not born yet. He said that was was one of the stupidest things I had asked. I don't know. But it is done, and I am happy that the little clothes are all hanging up, and organized by size and type of outfit. (Hey, I may be pregnant, but I am still obsessive-compulsive or anal-retentive, or maybe both!)
So, although, it may seem like a kinda boring, lackluster day for most, it was really fun for me. And exciting. Our house is finally not looking it threw up on itself, we have started on the baby's room, I ordered the crib, and I passed my test.
It was an awesome, and thoroughly wonderful day!
Oh, and here are some pictures from my shower!
Carley, Lindsay, me, and Denise
Me and Rubygail
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