We had a nice day yesterday for Jason's birthday. Charlie demanded that he get Daddy a birthday present so we had to run to the mall to pick something up. Unfortunately, the purple dress shirt that Charlie picked out did not fit, so we have to go back to the mall and find something different. That is for another day!
Tahoe was beautiful, and it snowed the entire time. We were lucky to actually make it off the mountain on Sunday, as they ended up closing Hwy 50 do to snow slides, so to speak. Charlie did very well, and slept the entire ride back, with one brief stop to eat while Jason and Mike took the chains off the truck.
Jason had a great time snowboarding and the cabin we stayed in was great. Charlie and I did not get out much, and I think Charlie was a bit overwhelmed by all the new sounds, smells, and people. He spent alot of the time crying. Thank the Lord for the bouncy seat. :)
Charlie turned 8 weeks old today. It is really hard to believe that this time 8 weeks ago, I was having mad contractions, and still 5 hours away from giving birth. It has been a wild ride, but Charlie is starting to come into his own, and actually is a bit more ready for the world. He is sleeping better, at night and during the day, and becoming stronger every day.
We do tummy time after each meal, and that seems to really tire him out so he is sleeping better during the day. Hurray! The spitting up is so much better, and he is sleeping longer during the night. And he gives me and Jason the most beautiful smiles. That really makes my day.
I am completely stressing about my flight back to SC with Charlie that will happen a week from tomorrow, but I am hoping he does ok. I am so looking forward to seeing Momma and Daddy, and Hannah, and Jason's parents, and my grandparents, and Bec and Rubygail! Apparently Charlie needs a social secretary just for this trip as so many people want to see him. :)
We are going over to Berkeley for lunch on Saturday to see a friend of Jason's from UCSD...so it will be Charlie's first experience in the hippy town :) And Charlie had his passport pictures taken on Tuesday and we are getting the passport forms taken care of tonight and sent off. It's funny that he will have a passport and not even know it :)
Well, I hope everyone has a great weekend!
I just watched the video on Charlie's blog for February. :D I'm excited about seeing you next week! Good luck with the plane right. (Hey, they can't kick you off the plane, so remember that.) :)
Love you!
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