Matthew just left this afternoon to head back to Florida. We had a great time with him, and he was so cute with Charlie. He will be a great dad someday! We went wine tasting on Saturday, out for fondue on Sunday, and just ran errands and the such on Monday. Last night we went to dinner in downtown Livermore...In general, we just had a good time with each other. I will miss having him around!
We had Nick and Beth stay with us last week, and it was nice to have them visit. Charlie was not on his best behavior, but they tolerated him well! :)
Charlie has received his passport, and is ready for world travels...His picture is so funny, and let me tell you, getting a 2 month old's picture for a passport is DIFFICULT! Apparently, I am not allowed to be in the picture, but at that time, he was not holding his head up very well, and Charlie had to be looking at the camera, not waving his hands in front of his face, and not me in the picture. That was a feat...But we accomplished it, and Charlie is now ready to get stamps and travel to exotic places....
The first place we will travel is Tahoe, no passport required, for my work retreat. Jason will be coming with us, and hopefully Charlie will do well. We were going to go to France, but tickets are so expensive, so I don't think that will be happening. I think Momma and Daddy will be coming to visit while Jason is gone for a few weeks. It will be nice to have the help.
We are also planning to go to San Diego for Nick's thesis defense at the end of the May. We look forward to seeing all our friends down south :)
So I am trying to get organized with work, and commuting, and Charlie's daycare, pick-up/drop off, pumping during the day! It's all crazy. I hope I get it all figured out...
We have started not swaddling Charlie during the day for naps, and it isn't going so great...I am having to let him cry, and boy is that hard....Parenting is so tough, and so much easier to give advice than take your own. Every day is a challenge, but Charlie and I muddle through. Hopefully will we turn out ok! :)
Here are some pics for your enjoyment :)
You're coming down to San Diego?!?!? Hooray!! I hope I will get to see you and meet little Charlie! The new pictures are great! Good luck transitioning back to work. I will be interested to hear how your new role as a parent will impact your work with other kids and other parents with the new perspective you have. Take care!!
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