Work is going well, and I am working with another director on a parent training curriculum/series that I am very excited about. I also will be giving a talk to a group of parents with children with autism at the Livermore National Lab in a few weeks. Hopefully it will be a good resource for the families and a good place to get our name out as well. My kids are great, although I have a couple that are pretty difficult right now. But, you have to keep your chin up, and figure out something!
Charlie is being really good, and has completely changed from the little monster he was a few months ago. He's still my monster, but he is just a happier baby overall. It is like a huge weight off my shoulders. Right now we are struggling with naps, but each day gets better, and I carry around my sleep bible, Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child, and use it to ward off people who think I am crazy for a 6:30-7pm bedtime, and strict nap schedules. Sleep begets sleep...I keep telling them!
Jason and I are still in limbo about the house, and what will happen, as we know it will be foreclosed, and then we have to decide if we will make another offer to the bank for it, or just try to buy something else, or start over looking to rent again. I just try not to think about it, until we really have to. I don't know if that's a poor attitude or not. But it's a survival attitude.
Ok, I am setting a new poll. I want people's opinions on which christening outfit to get Charlie. Outfit A, B, or C. Pictures will be below!!
I guess that's about it for me. Jason is still not sure if he will be going to France this summer or not...Apparently the French are being very "french," as Jason says, about it, and they were supposed to let him know on April 15th. Well, it's May 5th, and he still knows nothing. So, we have no idea.
We are gearing up to have Jason's mom come visit in a few weeks, and then my mom comes out at the end of June, then my sister, then my dad. And then we are planning to go back to SC at the end of September for a week. Tickets have been super cheap, so we are making lots of plans way in advance.
Alrighty everyone!
Take care, and lots of love to each of you!

Hi Elizabeth! Charlie looks amazing...and is that blonde hair I see? He looks really happy in the photos too :-)
No, that's not Charlie... LOL! Those are pictures of christening outfits. I need to choose one :)
Now I feel silly. Can I delete my original comment? We still would like to see new photos of Charlie though!
There are updated pics of Charlie on the picasa website. The link should be on the left side of the page :)
Elizabeth, Matthew was baptised in an outfit like A. I like A and C. A is my favorite.
Love, MOM
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