December 11 – 11 Things What are 11 things your life doesn’t need in 2011? How will you go about eliminating them? How will getting rid of these 11 things change your life? (Author: Sam Davidson)
1) Belief that I *need* things
2-4)Wasteful time, money, energy
5) Pretense
6) Regret
7) Unhappiness
8) Doubt
9) Chaos
I purposely left the last two blank because I think new "unneeded" items can pop up at any time. Plus if I get down to nitty gritty stuff like I don't "need" wine or internet or new pajamas pants every 2 months, then the list could, and would, be endless. What do we really "need?" Love, companionship, basic food and water, shelter. But no, I also need 600 thread count sheets, and a different pair of jeans for each day of the week, and an endless stream of toys for my kids, and constant entertainment. Don't I?
I honestly think the best thing to eliminate is wastefulness, and with that comes the internal belief we have that we "need" things. We need that new computer, that new video game console, that new cookbook, those new shoes. I am as guilty as the next person, but even for someone with unlimited funds, it often seems like we are just buying, purchasing, procuring, just to do so.
Honesetly, I really don't think I do alot of this. Not as much as some people. Nevertheless, it's there, and I see myself doing it. And it bothers me during, and afterwards.
And with an elimination, or at least reduction, or this empty buying to buy mentality, I believe I can greatly reduce the pretense and unhappiness, self-doubt and disorder, that is in my life.
This will not be an easy task, and yes, I think I will probably fail at it, multiple times, but if I recognize what is going on around me, it will be easier to keep myself in check and just enjoy life as it is...
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