December 8, 2010

Beautifully Different (Reverb 10)

December 8 prompt: Beautifully Different. Think about what makes you different and what you do that lights people up. Reflect on all the things that make you different – you’ll find they’re what make you beautiful.

Yikes...One of those prompts that makes you say nice things about yourself.  We do it all the time, but only to ourselves, never outloud.  Then it becomes pride and arrogance at it's finest...or does it?
What makes me different?  Here in California, it's being from South Carolina, and my drawl when I become angry or ecstatic or just plain overly emotional.  It's my overuse of certain words, such as fabulous or naughty.  It's my obsession with all things Harry Potter, mainly involving a few certain Slytherins.  It's my refusal to eat blue M&Ms.  It's my compulsive need to have constant access to my blankie (i.e. the iPad). It's my love of jackets, long, short, heavy, thin, wool, long as I can layer, I can't stop myself from buying them.  It's my belief that I can have it all...despite what everyone else says!