Kim over at KimberlyMichelle posted about Reverb 10, but it wasn't until I saw the first blog post with the above prompt (One Word), that I started thinking on the topic and the idea of Reverb 10. With that being said, I am going to do my darndest to participate every day.
The prompt for 12/1/10 is One Word. One word that describes the past year for you, and one word that you hope will describe your coming year.
So, without further ado....
A word for 2010: Erudition
Yes, this is a strange word, seeing as how I have already matriculated various times. But this year brought me a new child, just 18 days after the new year was rang in. It also brought me joblessness. Which was a very experience for me. Day after day brought new challenges, as my second child didn't "work" like my first one, and I was trying to implement everything I did with Charlie, only to find out, it's not the same when there is a second little body in the house. Interruptions, distractions, and noises were a frequent part of my life. Without the respite of a job, peers, or family to rely on, I had to learn how to be a stay-at-home mom who didn't go completely bonkers.
I suppose all of that sounds really awful and depressing. But it wasn't (at least not all of it!). It was just different. A new learning experience. A chance to me to do something new with my life that I had always wanted to. I learned a new side of multi-tasking. I learned that you cannot read Richard Scarry too many times. I learned that the laughter that Charlie can pull out of Lily is absolutely priceless. I learned that potty training my own child is much harder than training other kids. I learned that cloth diapering is easy, and big butts are cute! I learned how to cook supper every night and send Jason to work with lunch every day. I learned that even with our income cut in half, I was infintately happier at home with my children.
A word for 2011: Fulfillment
All of the the above being said, I have felt like something has been missing this year. I've worked for the past 16 years, with no more than a month not working at any given time. To go 12 months were my only job is raising my children was...difficult.
I hope that this time next year brings me mental and emotional stability. I hope that I have a job that will fulfill the need I have to interact with professional peers, to assist others the way I have been educated and trained to do, to expand my mind learning new techniques and ideas in my field. And with those dreams comes the hope that I can balance it with my home life, and lead a full and balanced life, even if it is slightly chaotic.
What a great post EP! It was very interesting to read about your perspective from the stay at home mom point of view! I envy you for being able to be with your children all day everyday but I know you have a harder job than I do! I hope for 2011 you find the professional fulfullment also to make everything perfect for you! I understand now how hard it is to be fulfilled both personally and professionally (right now for me it kind of seems impossible!!) but that is something I too would love to have! Good luck & can't wait to hear about your journey through 2011.
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