July 15, 2010

From fanfiction to original fiction...

When I first heard one of my favorite fanfiction writers just published her first original novel online, I had to go purchase it.

I will first admit that I love historical romances, so I am biased. I also love Tessa's fanfiction, so I am biased twofold. However despite both facts, I thoroughly reveled in Laskin's Bluff. In the beginning I was sure I could not, and would not, like, much less, love, Brent Laskin. But well before the last page, I wanted to marry him!

I was intrigued by Lisel's sketchy past, and I was constantly asking my iPad, "who *is* this girl, really?" We were given nuggets of her back story and it kept me wondering right up till the end.

I loved how the story moved smoothly despite it being fast paced, which I expected for this genre, and the sex scenes were wicked hot, but completely tasteful. I didn't think that was possible, but Tessa proved it to be so.

Laskin's Bluff was fun, fun read, and I kept hoping Lily would nurse a little longer in the middle of the night so I could read just a bit more.

Thanks Aspen!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


Michele Reed said...

Love, love, love good reads!!!!