September 27, 2010

Pretty in purple

Even her grey eyes look purple!

September 21, 2010

Michael Lewis is a brilliant read...

I just finished both of these books, and I am not here to review or synposize (is that a word?).  I will describe each book with one word: powerful.  But that adjective takes completely different meanings in each book.  I highly suggest reading both, one to be moved, and the other to become informed, and perhaps a bit (or in my case, highly) enraged.

September 18, 2010

The true test of a strong marriage...

is allowing your children to be dressed in purple and orange.

September 17, 2010

Sleep, sleep, elusive sleep

What I wouldn't give to be able to sleep like this...
at a time other than between 4am and 7am.

September 9, 2010

Need more pieces...

Charlie:  Momma, I need more pieces.
Me: Pieces of what?
Charlie: Pieces.  There's no more pieces.
Me: What pieces?  
( I head into the den to see what C is talking about, and see the above picture)
Charlie:  See?  There's no more pieces!
Me:  You're right.  You used all the train tracks.  It looks good.
Charlie: But I need more pieces.
Me: There aren't anymore honey.
Charlie: Momma needs to get more pieces at the grocery store.
Me:  That's not where we get pieces.
Charlie:  At the library?
Me:  No, we get books there.
Charlie:  Oh, I know.  We need to go to Target.

September 3, 2010

Puzzle Master

Charlie completed this by himself yesterday, all 23 pieces in absolute concentration and silence. 

September 2, 2010

First USC Game

My newest Gamecock

Watching the "ball" players

C wanted to know where his "cock" shirt was :)