September 9, 2010

Need more pieces...

Charlie:  Momma, I need more pieces.
Me: Pieces of what?
Charlie: Pieces.  There's no more pieces.
Me: What pieces?  
( I head into the den to see what C is talking about, and see the above picture)
Charlie:  See?  There's no more pieces!
Me:  You're right.  You used all the train tracks.  It looks good.
Charlie: But I need more pieces.
Me: There aren't anymore honey.
Charlie: Momma needs to get more pieces at the grocery store.
Me:  That's not where we get pieces.
Charlie:  At the library?
Me:  No, we get books there.
Charlie:  Oh, I know.  We need to go to Target.


Michele Reed said...

Raising them right!!!

Kimberly Michelle said...

LOVE this!

sylsumida said...

So cute! We got a FANTASTIC deal on 150 pieces via Craigslist. Lots of deals for Thomas tracks for kids who have outgrown them.

Tiffany Pisano said...

That is great!