When I first entered the cloth diapering scene, I was lost. Completely. FB, BG, TTO, HH, OS,PS, FS vs SS vs APLIX, Pocket vs AIO/AI2, CPF vs IPF....
AHHH!!!!!!!!!!!! I was going crazy, and I had only hit one website. I felt like the first time I actually started reading the chat window in
However, now I feel much more literate when reading CD blogs and sites. When trying to find used dipes, I know what "FB OS in GN color, ECU" means. Of course, I would be lost if you tried to discuss with me prefold or fitted diapers with covers. Just because I know the acronyms does not mean I understand the system. I "get" two diapering systems: all-in-ones/twos, and pockets with liners.
And I have chosen pocket dipes for little Lil. I thought I would prefer the snapping perfect sized dipes, I have come to LOVE my velcroed one-sized Bum Genius's. But along with knowing the type of diaper you want to use, you have to figure how to store, wash, and dry your diapers. No bleach, sun and lemon juice, "green" detergent, cloth diaper detergent, enzymes, no enzymes, cold water, hot water, 1 rinse, 3 rinses, essential oils, and on, and on. Another overwhelming step in the process, with it's own set of abbreviations and acronyms to confuse even the most veteran of cloth diaperers.
But just like the many abbreviations, I figured it out, and am sticking to the CDing.
I wouldn't trade my daughter's fluffy bum for anything!
I'm so impressed by the cloth diapering and had no idea it was such a maze to navigate!
<3 it and I'm just as confused about all those acronyms!!!!
Kim, I almost gave up a couple of times before I even started because it was a bit overwhelming, but I love it now!
And Michele, yes, the acronyms are CRAZY!
I am glad you are digging the BGs! Even if that isn't their abbreviation. ;) If I ever have my own washing machine I will try cloth diapering again.
Audrey, I do really love it. I really don't think anything about it, except the entire time in Portland, when I kept thinking the disposables were too small and tight! LOL!
Bubble butt LOLZ!!!!
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