November 16, 2010

The Thanksgiving Tree

To give Thanksgiving the consideration it's due, and to teach Mr. C a few things about being thankful, I made a Thanksgiving tree.  Each day, we take a leaf, talk about something he is thankful for, write it on the leaf, and tape it to the tree.  

Before anyone tells me how awesome I am (yes, you can do so! ;)), I did not come up with this idea on my own.  I shamelessly stole it from some blog somewhere on the internet, that I stumbled upon during my diaper hunt (another story for another time).  

I hope for it to be a continuing tradition to honor the holiday that is dreadfully overshadowed by a different holiday that is a month later.  For now, I just hope that Charlie comes up with something he is thankful for that is not a toy!  So far, his cars, his train tracks, and his ambulance have topped the list, and only with prying and gentle persuasion have we been able to get a few others, such as his sister and the moon.


Michele Reed said...

I love it, and you, what a great Mommy you are!!! Oh and totally agree that this Holiday gets the shaft!!!

Rebec said...

What an awesome thing to do to teach the kids about being thankful! Unfortunately, I htink I'm just rely on the kids to get this at school.....yay you, booo me! :)

allisonwardrip said...

I am totally stealing this idea!!! Heehee!! :) Well, when Keira can talk, of course!

EP said...

Allison, please do so! Or start it now, and you and Noah fill it in...she'll get the concept super fast! :)

EP said...

Rebec, I would leave it to school too if I was working...I do a lot of things I didn't do when I was working!