March 3, 2010

A Minimalistic Diet

Before children, I avoided the topic of poop. Simple as that. Yes, everybody poops, but do we need to actually talk about it?? Unless working on potty training with a 2 year old, or discussing a colonoscopy with your doctor, there is no need to go into detail about this function.

But, how my different my life is now. Jason and I regularly discuss this, and now even more than ever with two children, one of which who needs Miralax and prune juice in order to stay regular.

Now, with an infant, as long as poops are fairly regular (i.e. occurring 7-8 times a day OR once every week. Yeah, go figure), yellow and seedy, then we are fine.

But as of last week, there was much more to speculate about, as Lily's poop turned green, mucusy (think stringy), and streaked with blood. After much debate, and thinking I would wait it, we took her in the this morning.

The pediatrician, as I suspected, believes that this is likely to be her reacting to something in my breast milk. In other words, certain foods I am eating are bothering her, and the usual suspect is dairy.

I was put on a minimalistic diet for the next week or so, to see if her stools clean themselves up. This means no dairy for me, and bland foods. Basically, rice, with salt, and nothing else. Plain meats. Boring.

But this is my life, and this is the life of a parent...


Audrey said...

Indeed it is the life of a parent. I hope that she quickly heals and out grows whatever it is that is bothering her.

EP said...

The blood has stopped, but it's still mucusy. Thanks for all the support Audrey :)

Michele Reed said...

bummer, well, I sure hope it corrects, but how bout' if it does, do you have to do this diet forever? Not fun, I kind of feel like their not really getting that much of what your eating, but what do I know, whatever is up, I hope you find out soon!!!!!

EP said...

I don't know Michele. It isn't any better, but no worse. We'll see! Thanks for the support!

sylsumida said...

That does not sound fun at all. Hope things get better quick!

EP said...

Thanks Sylvia :)