Old news, I suppose, but with the release of the DVD, thoughts and comments were reawakened. These are regarding both the movie, and our experience in the theatre last December, so if you haven't seen the movie, I wouldn't read this. ;)
1) My first thought when the movie ended was: "Wow. Sam Worthington did not have to prepare much for this character. Jake is basically Marcus from Terminator: Salvation."
2) A running thought throughout the movie was: "Sam Worthington looks just like Marky-Mark." And that's a good thing. Mark Wahlberg is hotness." And this thought was immediately voiced upon watching it on DVD.
3) The movie was truly beautiful. Truly, the screen seemed to sparkle with color. I was in awe. When I wasn't nauseous. Which leads me to #4
4) 3D blows. Now this does not reflect on the movie. I think the whole 3D and 3D IMAX is a huge f-ing waste of my money and a complete rip-off. I paid $30 for two tickets at bloody 9:30 in the morning on a Tuesday to gain a headache and feel slightly sea-sick for 2+ hours. No thanks. Until they can figure out how to NOT make things in the background during the 3D experience clear (i.e. not blurry), it's not really 3D. Last time I checked, when I was looking at the tree in my front yard, the one across the street that I can still see was not fuzzy. I felt like I was losing details in not getting to see everyone's faces. Sigh.
5) This whole notion that the movie was unoriginal has really bugged me. Please. What is original anymore? Movies have been being made for the over 100 years. There's bound to be some overlap. Not to mention the fact, that all movies, plays, books, etc., usually have a basic premise of good vs. evil. Hero/heroine (or main character) is usually sure about something, has his or her ideas shaken because of some dramatic event, has an epiphany about his or her beliefs, and then there is resolution. Sure there are variations, but overall, that's it. And as far as the originality goes, almost every movie now is A) based on a book or true story, B) a remake of an old movie, or C) a sequel. So forgive me if I actually thought this was quite original.
6) Another comment I have heard was that it was just a mash-up of other movies. Again, I go back to the fact that thousands upon thousands of movies are out there. Every single person that goes and sees a movie is bound to think, "hey, that part in that scene reminded me of [fill in the blank from another movie already released.]"
7) Finally, I was thrilled that it ended "happily." Another annoying idea that us Earthlings should have just bombed the entire planet, and that would have been a better ending. As if the fact that the Na'vi's life force that was destroyed was a super ending. Or that so many of the Na'vi died. It was comforting to see that "good" can "win." If you want to see reality of what we humans are really like, just turn on the TV or your radio and watch/listen to the news. Don't spoil entertainment for the rest of us!
8) Did anyone else think that someone would have called out Michelle Rodriguez's character for abandoning her post and not firing on the tree?
9) And weren't the link ups from their hair absolutely bloody amazing? I thought that was brilliant! Not to mention those little jellyfish looking things bobbing around. Cool as all hell.
10) Finally, I really don't think that the Colonel should have been able to jump around in that robot thing he was in, in the end. I just don't think that should have been physically possible. But I think that is very minor.
11) I am not sure where James Cameron was going with the mineral deposit that the humans were after, obviously except that humans wanted it. But here is what I think. I think since it was mainly under Hometree, it was part of their link. And with Hometree being destroyed, even if the humans had killed off or enslaved the Na'vi, the mineral would have been inactivated because Hometree was gone. Irony for the humans, if it had gone that way. Just my theory.
All in all, a fabulous movie, and I have to say, I so one-upped Dr. "Yes-I Already-Knew-That-Was-Coming" when I figured out before he did that Jake was going to tame the Toruk!
thanks for that heads up in the beginning, I haven't seen it yet!
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